The etymology of the name VALFABBRICA comes from the derivation of 2 Latin words: "VALLIS" (valley) and "FABRICA" (factory, work). In the past, terms such as "Vadus", "Vadum", "Vado Fabricae"…

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Scarzuola is a rural town in Umbria, located in the Montegiove hamlet of the municipality of Montegabbione, in the province of Terni. It is well known for the ancient convent…

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Frasassi caves

The Frasassi caves are underground karst caves located in the territory of the municipality of Genga, in the province of Ancona. The set of caves falls within the Regional Natural…

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Giomici is mentioned in various historical documents with the ancient names “Glomisso”, “Giomisci”, “Chiomiscio”, “Giomisce”…. Initially it was a strategic watchtower of the Byzantine Corridor, along the defense line from…

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