Measures for the safety of our guests

To guarantee all our guests adequate levels of safety, Giomici Castle has implemented anti Covid-19 safety measures based on the guidelines of the World Health Organization and the Italian Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità).


All the rooms and facilities at the castle follow cleaning and sanitation protocols based on practices approved by the WHO, such as:

  • Cleaning of surfaces in common areas (reception, hall, corridors, bathrooms, common rooms, door and window handles) carried out several times a day and with specific products
  • Sanitation of environments using technologies and highly effective cleaning products on all surfaces
  • Sterilisation of the kitchen and utensils using cleaning products and practices in line with hospital protocols
  • Complete sanitation of the room and textiles at each guest change with the adoption of new procedures
  • Hand sanitation products are made available to guests and in different areas of the facility

Food & Beverage / Catering Services

In the restaurant rooms and in the common areas, the following are guaranteed:

  • Food safety: we minimise product handling and human contact both during preparation and during delivery, also thanks to the use of disposable packaging.
  • Spacing of tables and chairs as required by law.

Social distancing

We have installed ad hoc signs with simple and intuitive descriptions to indicate suitable and safe behaviours so that our guests can enjoy the holiday such as the interpersonal distance of 1 metre.

  • Redesign of common areas to allow guests to maintain adequate social distance
  • Support from staff to help guests implement these measures in all areas
  • Possibility of online check-in before arriving at the castle

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Staff protection: all staff members are subjected to body temperature checks on a daily basis and have access to the safety apparatus (sanitising gel, masks and gloves) necessary to carry out their work without risk to their own health and that of the guests.
  • Employee training: all employees have been trained in compliance with hygiene and safety protocols and constant updating of the same is envisaged, also to implement new procedures if required by the World Health Organization and the Italian Institute of Health.