You are currently viewing Mercato delle Gaite , Medieval Springs 24-28 April 2024 Medieval Banquet May 25, 2024 Gaite Market 19-30 June 2024.

Mercato delle Gaite , Medieval Springs 24-28 April 2024 Medieval Banquet May 25, 2024 Gaite Market 19-30 June 2024.

In Bevagna The Mercato delle Gaite is a medieval festival that takes place in the city of Bevagna, in Umbria. During the event, the city is transformed into a medieval village, with costume parades, craft markets and food and wine tastings.

The Mercato delle Gaite is usually held in June, has ancient origins and was rediscovered in the 60s of the twentieth century.

The event takes place in the city of Bevagna and reproduces the medieval life of the village through the reconstruction of scenes of everyday life, the market of craft shops and the preparation of dishes of the time.

Is an opportunity to relive the atmosphere of the time, savor the ancient flavors and learn about the traditions of the Umbrian territory.